PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE TRAINING | thosefitnesschicks
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Private Training

TFC Style!

When you sign on for private or semi-private training at Those Fitness Chicks - you get so much more than a training session. Our commitment to getting you strong and healthy involves not just our time together in the studio, it involves what you do in your day to day life as well.


How so? Well, the TFC System involves 3 key components to realizing your health and fitness goals and keeping your results - for good! 





The 3 key components are:

What exactly do we mean

by TFC Style?

Of course tailored to your personal needs and goals

Private Training Sessions

Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions are used to establish goals outside of your training sessions. This is where your day to day comes in. Together we will establish goals to work on in order to build better lifestyle habits. The best part is we meet you where you’re at, so the coaching is personal and tailored too!


This is where you will reap all the benefits of your coaching sessions. When you work on building new and healthier lifestyle habits, this leads to sustainability. You will get great, amazing results and more importantly you will keep them! 

How will TFC Benefit YOu?

The TFC System helps you get stronger, work towards your personal fitness goals and coaches you on establishing healthier habits by goal setting. You will enjoy your journey, sustain what you’re doing and keep building on your accomplishments!

Ready for Transformation?

Schedule a complimentary consultation to further discuss your goals and see what else we have to offer! 

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